Speaking for myself, I feel every aspect of my life and world has changed, and most of it not for the better. The world I grew up in and the world I now live in are galaxies apart. Every day I try hard to make sense out of what is going on, and I cannot. There is too much hatred, anger, derision, screaming and yelling. I left Threads and Instagram mainly because a lot of people are putting up posts of them screaming at their cameras and waving their hands around in anger. I do not want to live with my head in the sand, but neither do I want to live in such a space where the level of vitriol coming at us 24/7 is unmanageable.
So, what do I, a person with creative dreams, do? I must do the only thing I can: create. I create songs, stories, and interpret dreams. That is the best way for me to describe my job. Bringing these creative concepts to life is what gives me purpose. But it's been extremely challenging for me to justify spending time on things that I don't know will make a difference. That's right—I do not know. No one "knows." But if I do not create them, I am fairly certain that doing "nothing" will definitely not make a difference. So, I must create. Are you out there, alone? Isolated, struggling, trying to make your voice heard? I hear you. I am you. I wish I had clear answers, with a follow-the-instructions manual. But of course I don't. I just have the desire and the dream -- although I feel like forces everywhere are trying to squash both. But as long as I live, I must not let that happen. If I may, our creativity is our light. The light that warms, that reveals, that brightens, educates, elevates, and rights wrongs. I encourage you to shine your light as brightly as you can. Someone will notice.